Europe's No.1 Most Popular Fitness Shop

We are the leading and most popular Gym Equipment retailer in Europe for Home Fitness


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Your Best Fitness Store In Europe for Gym Equipment is completely reliable and trustworthy

By purchasing the top brands of fitness equipment and gym equipments at the lowest prices, we have already earned the trust of over 100,000 consumers in eight different countries.

Always trust the titanium strength as your workout fitness equipment

Welcome to the only supplier of fitness equipment and gym equipments in europe that focuses on high-end equipment for both home and business use. Top Gear Fits boasts hundreds of products from the most renowned companies in the market, decades of experience, and a Facebook community of nearly one million members. No white labels. Don’t make false promises. Our exercise equipment and gym machines are 100% authentic and dependable.

Various Methods of Delivery

Select the delivery option that works best for you!

All of our fitness equipment and gym machines are delivered for free by a variety of couriers. However, we advise you to think about the best shipping option for your requirements if you have bought a heavy fitness product:

  • Free curbside delivery
  • Delivery by two men inside your house (no installation)
  • Free curbside delivery and expert installation (a technician will visit later)
  • Premium Delivery and Installation: We’ll deliver and install everything simultaneously. 

On the product page, you will be able to choose the delivery option that you like.

Staff moving stairmaster through doorway

Talk to us! Not robot

Our success is determined by how satisfied you are. We are aware of that.

You will speak with a highly qualified expert who can help you with all of your fitness needs when you phone us. We receive the following queries on a daily basis:

  • What is the greatest treadmill that can sustain 250 pounds for less than €1000?
  • Which kind of spinning bike—belt, chain, or magnetic—should I purchase?
  • I’d like to tone up.What goods would you suggest, and why?
  • Which exercise equipment is best for weight loss?

We are here to answer all of your inquiries because it is our responsibility